Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dilbert knows my life.

Before I begin my first "real job", Dilbert was just another groan-inducing comic. In the summer of 2005, after about two weeks of working in an office, my eyes were opened, and I understood every comic, sometimes too well. Dilbert cartoons started to grace the walls of my little cubicle.

I've been an official "home-based" employee at my company for two years. I don't plaster the walls of my little office with Dilbert cartoons, but when my husband brought home this Dilbert cartoon the other day, I laughed so hard I had to share.

(Yes. My company has these types of meetings. And, yes, this is what they call them.)

Dilbert and I could so be work BFFs.

I'm not sure if anyone else can relate to these infamous meetings (if you aren't, they are meetings in which the whole company or a large part of the company is invited to hear from one of the company leaders), but this cartoon still makes me giggle. Happy Tuesday!

P.S. I know I promised in a previous post that Bon Blog Designs would be giving my humble blog a makeover. That's definitely still the plan. In the mean time, I fashioned this temporary solution to make my blog a bit more inviting.

And yes that's a European shoulder bag substantial camera bag my husband is wearing in the left picture.

1 comment:

  1. I loved Dilbert! Did you know that there was a tv cartoon of Dilbert? Harold and I watch it on Netflix sometimes :) Also there is a show that used to be on called Better Off Ted about the corporate workplace...GREAT SHOW! I'm sure Blockbuster would have it if y'all don't have netflix...definitely check it out sometime!


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