Hi, I'm Sydney. I love reading blogs. It is rare if a day goes by when I don't say to someone, "So I was reading this blog..." But, without a blog to call my own, I often felt like an illegitimate lurker. So, with a little inspiration from some of my friends, I've bit the bullet. I've joined the revolution. I've jumped on the bandwagon. I've made the decision to start a blog.
This blog is likely to contain ramblings. But, it will also contain posts about things I enjoy - fashion, decorating, friends, cooking, overthinking.
(Also, this picture makes me wonder why I haven't gotten my hair highlighted recently. But, I digress.)
Here's the extended introduction, extended a bit more.
Who am I?
- I live on the south (east) side (of the US) in surburbia but within 30 mins of the beach.
- I don't actually love the beach. (Gasp!) It's just. so. sandy. And hot. But, it's a beautiful reminder of Who I belong to, so I'll accept it until I can move my husband to a lake in the mountains.
- I moved to said locale when I married a real-life sailor. Love makes you give up walking distance to your favorite stores in favor of one, sub-par outlet mall. Currently, he works with students at a Naval training command. He also gives wonderful foot rubs.
With the hubs: (We were on our first anniverary trip to Biltmore (NC). Yes, we were both wearing plaid. No, this wasn't planned. Yes, my husband was in the middle of growing out a mustache, per a challenge set forth by his students. No, I wasn't thrilled.)
- I'm
- I work from home for a technology company; I'm in marketing. When I started a long distance relationship with my husband, my company graciously allowed me to move from my office cubicle into my (very not) fancy home office. I'm on the phone a large portion of my day, and sometimes reading blogs makes a less-than-interesting conference call surviveable. Unfortunately, despite my marketing title, I will never have a part in any commercial you see on TV or any ad you see in your paper (hard copy or virtual).
- No babies yet. We would like them, but the time is just starting to feel right. (In other words, I'm a planner.) Also, God's timing is perfect.
- In my spare time, I am trying to learn how to use my new Nikon DSLR. I'm a walker/runner. I might even use the term "wogger," though I did not coin it. My heart is with ABC from 8 - 8:30, and 9 - 9:30 PM on Wednesday nights, and my heart is with the lovely town of Pawnee on Thursday evenings. (The hubs obliges on both counts.) If this last sentence doesn't make sense, please let Google enlighten you. Your life will be a little brighter.
- I love Jesus, and I'm reliant on Him for my salvation. I grew up in church to amazing, Godly parents, and I started to apply it in high school, but, I didn't "get it" until I went to college (Yay, RUF). Now, I focus on living it, albeit incredibly ineffectively at times. In fact, work is often where I fall the shortest. I am thankful for a Godly husband (who has his own story to tell; it's a good one!), accountibility and grace. (I also completely recommend my parallel NIV/The Message Bible.)