Monday, May 23, 2011


Today was one of those days.

I had a carefully constructed list of things that had to happen. Nothing huge, just little things that needed to get done.

And over the course of the day, that list fell apart.

Instead of taking the high road, I defaulted to my normal response - grumpiness.

But, on my way home tonight, I looked over to my passenger seat, and I had to laugh.

I was sharing my car with a diaper cake - complete with an elephant constructed entirely of receiving blankets attached on top with ribbon (made by my extremely talented friends in anticipation of a baby shower I'm hosting soon).

Seriously, I laughed out loud. In the scheme of things, I was freaking out about ridiculous things. Things that could be done tomorrow without cause for concern.

Perspective, courtesy of the diaper cake in my passenger seat.

1 comment:

  1. No offense to the person who made it, but I think diaper cakes are kinda creepy! But as far as creepy diaper cakes go, that looks like a great one!


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